
Welcome to Hirai Children’s Clinic Website!

This clinic is run by Dr. Katsuaki Hirai, a pediatrics specialist.


<Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: >
9:00 AM – 12 noon, 3:00 PM – 6:30 PM
(3:00 PM – 4:45 PM: patients without infections only)

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

<Wednesday, Sunday, and Holidays>
9:00AM – 12 noon


  • The clinic is a 17-minute walk from JR/SR (Saitama Railway)
    Higashi-Kawaguchi Station.
  • There is also a private parking lot that can accommodate 17 cars.

About vaccination

We have a dedicated space allocated for vaccinations. The area for signing-in, waiting, examination, and vaccination is completely separated from the general examination rooms. We provide an online-appointment service, so you can choose the most convenient day and time for your child’s vaccination.
We also offer various privileges for patients who have been vaccinated since 2 months old. Please ask the vaccination room staff for more details.

When you need to visit our clinic, you can make an appointment through the automated phone call system or reserve online, even if it is your first visit.

An immediate blood and/or urine test will be considered in case of a bacterial infection, Kawasaki disease, or if another serious disease is suspected, or when the patient has been suffering from a fever for more than 24 hours. Influenza, streptococcal infection, or some other infection can be diagnosed by a prompt examination. If an eye problem is suspected, we can conduct a vision screening test.
Dr. Hirai is a specialist in not only clinical pediatrics, but also in pediatric neurology, dermatology, and allergy. He is widely respected for the quality of his treatments for atopic dermatitis, asthma, hay fever, nocturnal enuresis, febrile seizure, epilepsy, and ADHD. Parents who have a cold, hay fever, or migraine can see the doctor as well. He introduces patients to Saitama Kyodo Hospital, Kawaguchi Municipal Center, Dokkyo Medical University Hospital and other major hospitals when they need advanced medical treatment.

How to make an appointment

For medical attention,

Automated phone system

050-5846-4390 (Japanese only)

Online appointment: http://b.inet489.jp/hri4155/